CSS Hero 1.5, say hello to Cloning Styles

Today we’re extremely happy to announce that CSS Hero has been updated to 1.5! It’s a massive upgrade including some bug fixes and some new interesting features:

  • Cloning Stylesmore on this below
  • Support for modern viewport units (vmin,vmax, vh,vw) – more on this below
  • Faster editor loading
  • Bugfix: editing is allowed on published pages only, preventing editing with CSS Hero a draft or in Preview Mode, which could result in crashes or unreliable behaviours.
  • Turn off Hero trigger icons from backend
  • Fully tested on WP 4.3.1

Cloning Styles

In 1.5 we’ve also added a new feature which we think will result extremely useful to speed up your design process by giving CSS Hero the ability to selectively clone element styles and replicating them with ease.

You can read more about copy and paste in the documentation page.

Vmin, Vmax, vh, vw: “modern” viewport units

A welcome and useful addition to the world of CSS is the adoption and support, by all modern browsers, to these useful units.

In a nutshell, these units allow a percentage sizing of an element – or a font size – which is dependent on the viewport size: this feature can help achieving more easily a fluid, responsive behaviour for elements like titles – which you may want big on a large screen, and smaller on a mobile device.

This new set of units consists of four different units. Two for each axis, and a minimum and maximum value of the two.

  • vw : 1/100th of the actual viewport width
  • vh : 1/100th of the actual viewport height
  • vmin : 1/100th of the smallest side of the actual viewport
  • vmax : 1/100th of the largest side of the actual viewport

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