Qards is a premium WordPress plugin by designmodo.
Its Tagline is bold and exactly says what you’ll find: “You focus on content, the purpose of your website and the story you want to tell. Leave the rest to us.”
Qards adds a Custom Post Type to your WP Site. Here you can find and manage all your Qards empowered pages.

Custom Post Type
What kind of elements you’ll find in Qards?
You can easily combine multiple Qards elements by simply dragging and dropping them in your pages allowing you to quickly build powerful and appealing pages.

The Qards elements List
List of Qards pre-designed elements:
- Cover
- Image
- Text
- Feature
- Grid
- Menu
- Footer
- Subscribe

quard elements
Customizing Qards elements
By default this brilliant plugin allows you to add your own style to some elements such as:
titles and paragraphs, however if you want to have full control and go a bit deeper in customizing it you’ll need to write some CSS. Here’s where CSS Hero comes to rescue providing you full control on each element of each Qards item with his simple and unique WYSIWYG interface.
Having full control on your Qards powered website is now as easy as point and click since CSS Hero now natively supports it! Using CSS Hero on Qards can seriously increase the final result as you can easily apply your own creativity to it with no code boundaries.
If you use (or plan to use) this Plugin...CSS Hero can help you deeply and quickly customize the Designmodo Qards Plugin, solving some common issues like:
- How to customize fonts in the Designmodo Qards WordPress Plugin, to make font biggers or change typeface for titles and header texts
- How to change CSS background image on the Designmodo Qards WordPress Plugin and build background fades
- How to change colors and styles on Designmodo Qards WordPress Plugin