All featured images are automatically rounded using the border- radius, a Css property. Without featured image, it has a fixed background-color.
Spun is one of the most popular theme in the directory.
This theme is unique thanks to the circle featured image in the blogroll (homepage post loop).
All featured images are automatically rounded by a theme’s CSS rule (border-radius).
Posts without featured image will appear with a fixed background-color and the post title in the center.
So, check out your post title length before you post on your blog!
This WP theme is compatible with the WP Navigation Menu, a theme feature introduced with WP Version 3.0.
Spun is a very minimalist theme, designed on these three key features:
– Soft Typography;
– Rounded Featured Image
– Easy Post Navigation
This last but not least feature make the theme an excellent choice for those who want to enhance the website usability.
If you use (or plan to use) this Theme...CSS Hero can help you deeply and quickly customize the Spun Theme, solving some common issues like:
- How to customize fonts in the Spun WordPress Theme, to make font biggers or change typeface for titles and header texts
- How to change CSS background image on the Spun WordPress Theme and build background fades
- How to change colors and styles on Spun WordPress Theme
- How to change size of page width
- How to change CSS style of top navigation buttons
- Customize the CSS style of navigation menu on the Spun Theme
- How to customize the footer on the Spun WordPress Theme